Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dialogue between Frankenstein and the Creation

Frankenstein, the creator, has a stubborn, accusatory diction towards his creation, and he lacks to use evidence to back his judgments which makes him the weaker perspective throughout the argument, and leads the reader to gain the creation’s favor. For example, Frank’s first word to formally speak to his creation results in an insult, “Devil” and he continually reiterates patronizing insults like “vile insect,” “abhorred monster,” and “fiend” to demonstrates a clearly biased, accusatory tone. The only claim Frank uses to back his claim is the murders that his creation caused. However, the creation quickly rebuttals, “You accuse me of murder, and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, praise the eternal justice of man!” This destroys Frankenstein’s argument and the creature continues, “Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us.” The monster states the obvious lack of responsibility his creator takes and emphasizes on Frank’s weaker mental. Yet, the creator’s only response is minutiae ridicule and a fiery attitude to fight instead of talk. Frank most likely understands in both verbal and physical argument he will most likely lose, but there is more credentials for Frank losing a fist fight over an intellectual argument on his moral lapse. Also, to emphasize on Frank’s bad character, the fight is in vain. The reader understands Frank’s perpetual misery, the fight would only finish to end Frank’s ceaseless suffering with death. This proves more so the sympathy the reader holds for the creation over its creator.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Actions of a Fearful Man

How does Frank demonstrate a fear of the powers of nature and science?

Frankenstein acquires his spirit for mastering forbidden knowledge early in his childhood. Frankenstein was surrounded by indulgent parents who showered him in love and praise. For Frank, there was no evil in the world. Most children have some exposure to sin and evil and learn to stay away. For Frank, the pursuit of knowledge had no limits, so much so he tested the boundary between life and death. When Frank created life to his being from dead objects, the reality of evil hits him and hits him hard. Frank walked blindly into the evils of nature and knowledge (or so is his perspective), and his first reaction of course is to run. This is common in dangerous (fearful) situations-- it's part of our innate evolutionary genetics-- the problem is: Frank doesn’t stop running. He takes every opportunity to shun his creation, and shun his own desires that have any relation to the so-called monster. Frank is so entrenched in fear he allows its to cripple him and destroy all and any social bonds or sanity. This truly in the underlying definition of fear… to avoid. Only Frank takes fear to a whole new level and allows it to be his stronger counterpart. However, Frank is responsible for his own misery; he makes no attempt to compromise, listen, or take responsibility. So do we blame Frank for his faulty character or would you think it is appropriate for the circumstances?

Frank’s actions are very relatable to modern America and the fear that guides individuals in their daily lives. It’s not a lie, we Americans love to avoid scary things even if it is the truth that scares us. But don’t worry, citizens, we have propaganda to lead us and shape us. It’s easy to not take responsibility, not try to compromise or even listen to those who are enlightened BECAUSE, there may be a chance, if we do listen, that it will break our reality and make us uncomfortable. But, take it from Frankenstein, will we ended up being the sole perpetrator for our misery or is that even worth thinking about because it may make us uncomfy?