Friday, November 13, 2015

poetry personal questions

How would you define the word poem?
The word poem can be defined as a carefully constructed piece of work with manipulation of language with hidden emotional triggers.

What kinds of words are in poems?
There is heavy use of figurative language to convey meaning. Along with figurative language to convey meaning abstractly; the words in poems creates images that can pull at the reader’s emotions.

What do poems sound like?
Poems may have rhythm for the most part with the carefully chosen words, or can resemble somewhat a more formal prose structure.

How is a poem like a song?
Poems usually flow with their words, much like songs.

How can it be like a story?
With poetry’s heavy usage of figurative language, many images are created in the reader’s head to help imply meaning. This is much like a story with the reader being active in the writing with incorporation of imagination.

Have you ever written a poem?

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